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Across the World, Let our creed be
Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram (Truth, Goodness, Beauty)


Please do not miss any of these. Each deserves your best attention.

20 July 2012

This small book gives the most comprehensive view of the first principles of Hinduism. A must-read for all those who wish to understand Hinduism.

Please download printer-friendly pdf file (60 pages, 1.2 MB) by clicking on the link above.

31 December 2006

The message of love that Jesus gave is more important than the life and person of Jesus. Anil Chawla looks at Jesus from the perspective of a Hindu. He calls for liberating Jesus from the church and the clergy. He accepts Jesus as a Son of God but does not accept the Bible.

The above article has attracted some very interesting comments. Please read what others have said.

Vijayadashmi, 12 October 2005

Dev and danav are terms that are fundamental to Hindu thought. A dev gives away without any selfish motives, while a danav grabs all that he can. A dev apparently keeps losing strength, while danav keeps becoming more powerful. The paradox is that in spite of this apparent weakening of dev, it is the dev who ultimately wins. A special article on the occasion of Dussehra.

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May 2005

End of Shivaji's empire began on the day of his coronation. This seems to be a curse that continues to this day afflicting all parties and organization believing in Hindu / nationalist ideology. This article in Hindi makes an attempt to analyze some of the mistakes made by Shivaji in his later years. It is inspired by the famous play Janta Raja.

(9 pages, 181 KB)
Printer-friendly pdf format.

4 April 2005

Genocide committed by British Government in Bengal during their occupation 1765-1947 was bigger, more ghastly and more cruel than the killing of Jews by Hitler. Time that the criminals are punished and descendants of victims compensated.

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23 October, 2004

Astrology is a much-maligned branch of knowledge. It has suffered due to tall claims of astrologers as well as due to sledgehammer approach of pseudo-scientists. This mini-book attempts to define the first principles of astrology in a systematic manner. The author is not an astrologer, but a philosopher, who would like the mini-book to be read by one and all.

(32 pages, 550 KB)
Printer-friendly pdf format.

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14 January, 2004

A mini-book that traces the development of political thought in India from British period to date. Easy to read unlike history that you might have read at school. Illustrated to make reading a pleasure.

(14,000 words, 41 pages, 920 KB)
Printer-friendly pdf format.

Draft of the New Constitution of Bharat

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1997, (50th Anniversary of India's Independence)

This alternative to the present Constitution of India was most humbly presented to the Nation. It was published by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. The Draft proposes a new paradigm of governance. Key features include providing a role to the academic community and defence services in the governance of the country.

The Draft was released at National Symposium on the subject of Constitution of India and Alternatives organized at Bhopal on 6th September, 1998.

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Year 1999

French Revolution produced a bunch of leaders who were no different than the conceited, egoist, hollow, corrupt leaders that India has today. Democracy could flourish in Europe only after the universities and the academic community were given a role in governance.

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8 December 2000

It is generally presumed that the commonly prevalent system of Government in ancient India was monarchy and instances of republic were either exceptions or aberrations. This paper aims to contest this apparent view and seeks to argue that the system in ancient India was closer to a republic than a monarchy, though it differed from both in many essential matters. Printer-friendly pdf format (22 pages)

The above article is an academic one. If you want to have just the gist of the article, you may download the presentation that the author made on 28 February 2006 at National Seminar on "History And Philosophy of Indian Science - Recent Trends And Future Prospects", organized by Cell for Indian Science and Technology In Sanskrit, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Bombay.

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15 November 2002, 24 December 2002 and 30 April 2002

Every form of love is a way of immersing one's identity into the infinity of the cosmos. The experience is truly divine. A discussion of the philosophy of love drawing from Jesus, Krishna and Kabir. Christianity, Hinduism and Sufism converge in this philosophy. This is a set of two articles. First elaborates on the philosophy of love.

Second article is about moh. Love is giving while moh is holding and being held. Love gives and lets go, while moh gives with one had and tries to tie up with the other. Love liberates while moh enslaves. Love has no expectations while moh is full of expectations. Love does not possess, moh is based on a sense of possession. Let us learn to love without moh.

The last article of the trilogy compares love and obsession. Love is a relationship of caring and giving. Obsession is a display of power. Love is submergence of ego, while obsession involves display of ego. Confusing obsession with love is like drinking poison when one wants to have milk.

If you like to read about love, please download the author's trilogy of short stories about love, lust and friendship in man-woman relationship.

The epilogue was added on 4 November, 2003.

Download the above three articles and three short stories in printer-friendly pdf format. Beautifully illustrated, the mini-book (33 pages) is an ideal gift for someone you love.

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20th October, 1999

Based on an Invited Key-note presentation made by the author to "SYMPOSUM ON TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN INDIA IN NEXT MILLENNIUM - OUR PREPAREDNESS" organized by Rajiv Gandhi University of Technology and Technical Teachers' Training Institute.

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21 April, 2001

Indian Institutes of Technology are world renowned premium institutes. An article that looks at their tragedy. This is not about IITs. It is about the way India treats its talent. The article generated a very lively debate. Read the debate.

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10th November, 2000

This paper was presented at the National Seminar for Value Inculcation Through Vocational Education organized by Pandit Suderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education on 8th November, 2000. Based on the Protestant Christian world-view it seeks to understand the concept of vocation vs. profession vs. occupation.

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19th July, 2000

One can only reap what one sows. A look at the type of people entering politics in India says a lot about what politics will be tomorrow.

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December 1996

This is not just a discussion about Common Civil Code. Polygamy, responsible sex, morality of sex, divorce, role of laws in regulation of lives of individuals - are some of the issues discussed. Words of caution - Many of my friends think that this article is very dangerous. It will convince you about legalizing polygamy. So, download it only if you like to be controversial.

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25 August, 1999

The love for the yellow metal is a hazard for Indian security and is an impediment to India's economic growth. An analysis based on historical as well as economical facts.

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4 December, 1999

Cow Slaughter is an extremely sensitive issue with many Hindus. Arguing against the commonly accepted view, the author favours a new look at cow slaughter in the light of philosophy of Gita. Also read what Swami Vivekananda had to say on the subject.

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12 December 2000

Hinduism has been defined in a number of ways by many thinkers. Here is an attempt to define Hinduism. Author believes that Hinduism is the most scientific religion in the world and its true nature needs to be understood.

(11 pages, 149 KB)
Printer-friendly pdf format.

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3 January 2001

Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Supreme Court of India seem to believe that Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. An article that disagrees with this view.

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29 December 2001

Truth was interpreted by MK Gandhi in a very narrow sense of "speaking truth" or was interpreted to suit his convenience. Time has come to give a correct definition of Truth.

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14th January, 2000

Indian Banks tend to blame everyone else except themselves for the problem of NPA's. It is high time that they did some introspection. A sad story of the way the entreprenurial talent of the country is being wasted by bureaucratic functioning style of Banks in India.

31 May, 2002

30 May 2002

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22 December, 2001

As India makes noises about teaching Pakistan a lesson and tension mounts on the western front, it is time to ask some basic questions. The first article discusses the mindlessness of the bloody-nose theory. The second suggests a strategy to fight Pakistan in an effective manner. Third article expresses concerns about a nuclear war and suggests a longterm initiative that India ought to take. After reading the articles, please read the comments of various readers.

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17 March 2003

A dark satire that argues for the immoral. A son blasts his father for being honest. Deep within each one of us, these two conflicting personalities are always present. Son's arguments might appear devilish and make you angry. But look within your heart - can you find some traces of the devil?
